Moving in the Spirit "Believe in Me": Moving in the Spirit "Believe in Me": Autum_Lewis21616

“ I’ve been dancing on and off for years at Moving in the Spirit, and also at Alvin Ailey Camp and Atlanta Ballet. Dance is one of the only things I can keep at. It taught me commitment. Even if I don’t like something we’re doing in class one day, I keep with it because there are only so many opportunities. I take what I can and enjoy myself. Dancing has definitely made me a stronger person. When I was younger, I couldn’t take criticism, but there are so many corrections in dance that I learned to be more resilient. I especially like watching other dancers perform, because it inspires me to get better and better. I want there to be more opportunities for people without resources to dance. I don’t have many resources, but I’ve found a way, and I want other people to know there’s hope for them as well. I want to be a dancer when I grow up. It’s the thing I feel most passionate about, and I feel really blessed to have found it at such a young age.” – Autumn Rivers


“ I’ve been dancing on and off for years at Moving in the Spirit, and also at Alvin Ailey Camp and Atlanta Ballet. Dance is one of the only things I can keep at. It taught me commitment. Even if I don’t like something we’re doing in class one day, I keep with it because there are only so many opportunities. I take what I can and enjoy myself. Dancing has definitely made me a stronger person. When I was younger, I couldn’t take criticism, but there are so many corrections in dance that I learned to be more resilient. I especially like watching other dancers perform, because it inspires me to get better and better. I want there to be more opportunities for people without resources to dance. I don’t have many resources, but I’ve found a way, and I want other people to know there’s hope for them as well. I want to be a dancer when I grow up. It’s the thing I feel most passionate about, and I feel really blessed to have found it at such a young age.” – Autumn Rivers